Friday, February 10, 2012

Free dental care and eye doctors for Brazilian school children!!

Expansion of Universal Health Care in Brazil-Moving in the right direction
After forming a great partnership between the Brazilian Ministry of Health and Education, the Brazilian government just announced a new program to offer free dental care and eye doctors for children in public schools, they will start a pilot in 20 states and on a second phase of the project they will expand into all Brazilian states.
The program has adapted some large motor home type trucks into a hybrid of dental office combined with an eye doctor's clinic.

Yes, that is a picture of a naked boob without a blanket to cover it, in a national health campaign in Brazil!!  ;)

These trucks will use the University Hospitals as a base for their programs, 2500 or almost half of Brazilian cities will be a part of the initial phase of the program, if the program is successful, it will be expanded into the other half of Brazilian cities towards the interior of the country.
These trucks will rotate among certain regions covering all public schools of certain districts offering completely free basic dental care and eye doctors and free eye glasses for children enrolled in the public schools covered by the program.
I personally think this program has a great chance at success because it is practical and objective, keeping it simple and effective.
I really wish we had a similar initiative in the United States, God knows we desperately need it around here.

Countries with Universal Health Care in Blue

In the US, only Massachusetts has a form of Universal Health Care, it is very simple, if you have a job or if you have money, you are mandated by law to purchase Health Care Insurance, if you are poor, unemployed or don't have any money, the state of Massachusetts buys private Health Care Insurance for you.
It was a Republican initiative created under Mitt Romney's administration to assure his corporate friends increased their profits by forcing everyone to purchase private health insurance and use tax money to purchase private health insurance for those who couldn't afford to buy it.
Funny and disgusting to see the Republicans calling Obama's health care initiative "Obama Care" in a pejorative way, considering it was inspired in the Republican's sucessful endeavor in Massachusetts.
It is enforced by the state's branch of the IRS, when you file for your state taxes in Massachusetts you have to supply your private health insurance account number or you won't be able to complete and file your state taxes.
Trust me, everyone has health insurance in Massachusetts nowadays.

US medicaid overhaul map
I have one thing to say, regardless if you are a Democrat or a Republican, independent, conservative or liberal, we have to agree that Brazil is going in the right direction by investing in the health of our children.
What better way to reach all and to put an extra incentive for poor families already enrolled in the "Bolsa Familia" than to attach this program to children enrolled in schools?
Below is the original article in Portuguese:

Alunos de escolas públicas terão atendimento dentário a partir de abril

Carolina Pimentel
Da Agência Brasil, em Brasília
A partir de abril, consultórios itinerantes dentários e oftalmológicos vão atender alunos de escolas públicas em 20 estados.
A iniciativa é uma parceria dos ministérios da Educação e da Saúde. Os consultórios são montados em caminhões, que atenderão em frente às escolas que fazem parte do Programa Saúde na Escola. De acordo com o Ministério da Saúde, são 37 veículos, com até dois consultórios oftalmológicos, e 34 caminhões, onde será feito o atendimento.
As crianças passarão por exames de retina, de fundo do olho e receberão óculos quando detectados
problemas. Os consultórios dentários são equipados para limpeza, extração e aplicação de flúor.
Na primeira fase, o atendimento oftalmológico será feito na cidades com hospitais universitários, onde há estudantes de medicina e residentes. Depois, os consultórios serão levados ao interior do país.
De 2011 até o início deste ano, 2.500 municípios aderiram ao Programa Saúde na Escola, segundo o ministério.


Renato S. Alves said...

Meu padrasto (dentista) em 1979 já tratava os dentes das crianças da escola pública em Cerqueira César, onde morávamos. Era um programa do governo, não sei porque tiraram depois, mas me lembro bem que eu era respeitado na escola por ser "filho" do dentista ehehe
Isso é uma coisa muito ruim por aqui né? Não tem saúde pública. Até hoje não entendo direito o sistema de saúde daqui...
Eu leio todos os seus posts, mas comento só de vez enquando

Unknown said...

This is WONDERFUL. My husband's teeth would be totally different if Brazil had this program in the 70's.

American Heart Brazilian Soul said...

Caro Renato,

I agree, Sao Paulo has always been a first world part of Brazil. I always heard about free dental care in schools too.
I am glad, now they are expanding it throught the rest of Brazil.
I despize the PT government for allowing all the corruption that is going on right now, but I am glad they are doing some good like this initiative.

Good to see you here

American Heart Brazilian Soul said...

Dear Jennifer,

This is wonderful!!
It shows Brazil is quickly leaving behind the behavior that classified us 3rd world.
Education and Health are total priorities if you ask me, everything else comes after that!


Unknown said...

So very true! And the US is going in the other direction. It's quite sad- especially in California- the way children are being marginalized and neglected.

Love you posts!

Do you know what states are starting out with this program? I saw it was 20 I was wondering if it included Rondonia.

American Heart Brazilian Soul said...


I am not sure if Rondonia is in the first batch on the pilot.
They mentioned the use of University Hospitals in the initial phase as program headquarters and they also mentioned moving into the interior of the country on the 2nd phase.
However, 20 states covers most of the Brazilian states right!
Not sure, I will let you know if I find out the list of states.


The Spider said...

The so called Obama care is fake and is totally different from to so called national healthcare in Brazil.

The US version is to shut down competition. Has nothing to do with helping the poor.

Brazilian version is, who can't pay private still gets help through government what is in the constitution, but competition must exist between private and government.

John Moran said...

It's such an interesting post. I really like it. You shared a really good information I appreciate it. Thank you and keep sharing.

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